CL-605 Captains

Published 7th January 2021
Location Oakland, California
Category Pilot Jobs  
Job Type Captain Jobs  


Pacific Coast Jet is seeking a Lead Captain for our Challenger 605 based in Oakland, CA. This is a Part 91 and Part 135 position (50/50 split). Their ideal candidate should be no more than a 2-hour drive from the Oakland airport as this is not a commutable position, and relocation is not be considered at this time. They are seeking someone who has excellent customer service skills for the aircraft owner. CL-605 (or 600 series) time or large body experience is preferred, as well as international experience.


Required skills

  • CL-605 Type Rating: YES.
  • Languages: English
  • FAA ATP;
  • FAA Class 1 flight crew medical certificate;
  • The unrestricted right to live and work in the US;
  • 3000 hours of total flying experience;
  • 1500 hours flying experience on Multi-Engine Command;
  • 250 hours of total flying experience on type.

Other information


When applying, please note the following information in the BODY OF YOUR EMAIL:


  1. Your CL-605 PIC (or 600 series) TOTAL TIME
  2. The date of your last CL-605 (or 600 series) check ride/simulator experience
Only registered members can apply for jobs.