E190 transition to B737 Captain – 9 Air

at 9 Air
Published 8th December 2020
Location Guangzhou, China
Category Pilot Jobs  
Job Type Captain Jobs  


9 Air is a public air transportation enterprise established by Shanghai Juneyao Airlines. 9 Air was first launched on December 2, 2014, and officially put into commercial operation on January 15, 2015. It is mainly operated by Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. The route network will radiate across the country from Guangzhou and open international routes to and from Southeast Asia, South Asia, Northeast Asia and North Asia.

Title Captain Requirement Total Flight hours  3000+ Type Rated Hours PIC 600+ on E190 or B737 Last Flight Within 12 months ATPL Valid ICAO English Level 4 or above Age Between 30 and 53 years (Included) Medical Certificate First Class Criminal Records No History if incidents and Accidents No
Option Residential Contract Commuting Contract Contract term 4 years Pattern 50 days of annual leave (Including sick leave) 6 week on 2 week off 6 week in 3 week off Monthly Salary  20,000 USD  16,800 USD  15,600 USD Employment Allowance 8,000 USD/year (Paid half in July and half January) Block Hours 75 hours/month 750 hours/year Overtime Pay 365 USD/hour 240 USD/hour 240 USD/hour Contract Completion Bonus  18,000 USD ( the 1st contract completion) 40,000 USD( the 2nd contract completion)  Travel Allowance  10,000 USD/year (Paid half in July and half in January, invoices required) Ticket Benefit 2 International ID50 tickets & 2 Domestic ID75 tickets if Nine Air (2 more tickets provided per contract year) Insurance 1. Flight operation insurance in the amount of RMB 1,500,000 (cover injury or death caused not during flight operation) 2. Personal accident insurance (injury caused not during flight operation) in the amount of RMB 100,000 3. Major illness and death insurance in the amount of RMB 100,000 4. RMB 10,000 for out-patient service and RMB 20,000 for in-patient service (1oo% payment within medical coverage)
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